Pastor's Welcome
Either purposefully or accidentally you have found our little place on the worldwide web and we are glad you are here! On behalf of the members of Our Redeemer I extend to you the hand of friendship.
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church is a gathering of people, called and assembled together by God Himself. He has done this for one purpose and one purpose only, namely, to forgive them and thereby bestow on them the gift of everlasting life in His presence.
With this in mind, this congregation has adopted the following motto:
A traditional, liturgical, Biblical congregation in the heart of Cedar Falls, Iowa, ministering to sinners with the forgiving presence of Christ.
The first few words of our motto tell you a bit about our congregation. We are Traditional. That means we don’t try to reinvent the wheel here. We have a high regard for that which has gone on before us in the Christian Church and we honor those men and women of the faith who walked before us.
Furthermore, we are Liturgical. This means we use traditional worship forms that have served Christ’s Church faithfully in the generations past. If you look in the section of our webpage titled, Pastor's Articles you will find one "Why Are You Here?" This article will give a more complete explanation of what goes on in worship each week.
Finally, and of most importance, we are also Biblical. We believe that God, the creator of heaven and earth, has spoken to all of humanity through the written Word that has been recorded in the Bible. We use such terms as "inerrancy" and "infallible" to describe the Bible because we believe it to be God’s Word. It contains no errors nor will it lead you astray. If you look in the Links section of our Webpage and find the one for "What About" you will find one there that talks about the Bible.
This motto also talks about ministering. That’s where I come into the picture. I am Pastor Knox. I have been Called to be the Pastor of this flock of God’s people. I preach the Word of God and through that preaching, point people to see two great truths. The first is that they are sinners in need of God’s salvation. The second is that Christ Jesus has done everything necessary to rescue lost humanity from sin, death, and the power of the devil. Lutherans refer to these two great truths as Law and Gospel.
In addition to preaching, I also have the privilege to be used by God to Baptize people. Baptism is a means by which God rescues people. Using water and the words of Christ, "In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," God binds the individual to Christ Jesus our Lord. In the "What About" link you will find an article that briefly describes what we believe about Baptism.
Another part of "ministering to sinners" is the Sacrament of the Altar, also called the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion. We Lutherans take Jesus at His word. We believe that in the Lord’s Supper Jesus truly feeds His people with His body and blood. Jesus has made the promise that with His body and blood He gives forgiveness of sins and eternal life. At Our Redeemer the people of God are able to receive this great blessing every Sunday and on other occasions when Services are held during the week.
Look around on our website. You will find all sorts of information I am confident you will find both useful and interesting. If at any time you seek further information, please feel free to contact me.
Pastor Michael Knox
(319) 266-2509