The Association of Confessing Evangelical Luther Congregations (ACELC) was formed in 2011 to make public the official and tolerated errors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The association hopes that the publication of these errors will result in productive discussion, within and around our Synod, in order to address, correct and resolve those matters that are in dispute among us. In March 2011, two representatives from Our Redeemer's Board of Elders attended a conference in Kearney, Missouri. Following a presentation to the voters’ assembly, the congregation voted to become a member of the association.
Our Redeemer served as host to the Fourth Annual ACELC Free Conference, Feb. 25-27, 2014. All of the papers presented at the conference have been posted to the ACELC web site, and are available for download here.
The ACELC Film Project is complete! View the videos here!