
Below are links to websites that you may find useful.

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

We’re glad you want to know more about The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Learn about our mission, beliefs, ministries, history and structure.

Concordia Theological Seminary

Concordia Theological Seminary exists to form servants in Jesus Christ who teach the faithful, reach the lost, and care for all.

The Brothers of John the Steadfast

The Brothers of John the Steadfast, brings together Lutheran laymen to defend and promote the orthodox Christian faith which is taught in the Lutheran Confessions, provide financial support for Christian new media (e.g. Issues, Etc.), and to support other endeavors selected by its membership that defend and promote the cause of confessional Lutheranism.

Issues, Etc.

Christ-Centered, Cross-Focused Talk Radio

Pirate Christian Radio

Christ-Centered and Cross-Focused Talk Radio. It’s not just what people WANT to hear, but what people NEED to hear.

Camp lo-Dis-E-Ca

Located in Eastern Iowa, a great place for activities, events, family gatherings, and fellowship for all ages. We offer many programs for different interests during the summer for children ranging from pre-school through high school. These programs provide a wonderful opportunity for individuals to grow and strengthen their faith.

Evangelical-Lutheran Liturgical Congregations

Website to assist Evangelical-Lutherans in locating congregations which use the historic liturgy of the Church in all of their services and practice Closed Communion.

Witness, Mercy, Life Together.

Regular contributions from officers and executive staff of the LCMS as they tell the stories of their lives, vocations and the work of the Synod through the lens of "Witness, Mercy, Life Together."

Higher Things

The mission of Higher Things® is to assist parents, congregations, and pastors in cultivating, encouraging and promoting a distinctively Lutheran identity among their youth and young adults.

Concordia Publishing House

For more than 140 years, Concordia Publishing House has been serving individuals, families, and congregations in their proclamation and learning of the Gospel. Here at CPH, work means more than meeting quotas and the bottom line—it means touching the lives of God’s people with His Word.